Sunday, August 19, 2012

Hit it and Quit It

So when I first started this blog, I meant for it to be a way for me to get out my feelings without going crazy on someone, however I like to keep it public because it was almost like I was wishing for that person i was refering to, to find it and read it. For them to understand how I was feeling, without me trying to be something im not. just 100% emotional and weak michelle. Along the way however, someone did stumble across it, someone I could trust and while I got used to them always knowing exactly to a T what was on my mind, I got a bit to comfortable in giving out my url to just anyone who wants to listen. It almost became a need for attention its getting to be a bit to ridiculous. It has become a diary that just about anyone can read, and thats just a little more open than i wanted to be. It has gotten to the point that I am having to think about what I post before I post it, because of who might see it, and who it might offend. I feel like this is no longer for me and now it is for my friends who read it instead of me just trying to clear my head. I understand that I do have followers reading this other than friends who for some odd reason are  interested in my life. And those few people will follow me to my new URL address. im doing this because its along time coming and as my life gets more complicated and complex before high school comes to an end i really need this little bit of space to just be about me. That way I can return to writing about whoever and whatever I have the desire to write about. However, i do realize that this is still the internet and it is accessible to whomever has the patience to read about my overdramtatic rampage. But it is my wish to keep this on the internet just because it makes me feel like im being heard even if i most definitly am not. Anyways  so If you happen to come across my new URL, than more power to you, just know that this will be my complete and utter truth and whatever comes to mind about anyone will be posted. I refuse to hold back and if you stumble on it. Dont be offended, because it was your choice to do so. So yea.. I guess thats all. Oh and for those of you who have been checking up on me by reading this just to know whats really going on in my life. I appreciate it, the fact that you care that much if any literally means the world to me. Thanks LOVES!!!